Caio Calfat
Fundador e Presidente da Caio Calfat Real Estate Consulting, é engenheiro civil e atua, há mais de 40 anos, como consultor no mercado turístico-hoteleiro, atendiendo a las principales constructoras, incorporadoras y operadoras hoteleras del mercado brasileño. Fundador (2006), miembro del Consejo Admnistrativo (2011 a 2019) y Presidente (2019 a 2025) de la ADIT Brasil (Associação para o Desenvolvimento Imobiliário e Turístico do Brasil); es Vice-Presidente de Assuntos Turísticos-Imobiliário do SECOVI-SP (2012 a 2026) e Member do Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) desde 2013. Integra o Conselho Consultivo do SPCVB (São Paulo Convention & Visitors Bureau) desde 2013. Foi fundador (1998), vice-presidente, presidente (mandato 2004-2005) e, desde 2006, é membro do Conselho Deliberativo Vitalício da LARES (Latin American Real Estate Society).
Fundador y Presidente de Caio Calfat Real Estate Consulting, es ingeniero civil y actua, desde hace más de 40 años, como consultor en el mercado turístico y hotelero, atendiendo a las principales constructoras, incorporadoras y operadoras hoteleras del mercado brasileño. Fundador (2006), Miembro del Consejo Admnistrativo (2011 a 2019) y Presidente (2019 a 2025) de ADIT Brasil (Associação para o Desenvolvimento Imobiliário e Turístico do Brasil); Es Vicepresidente de los asuntos Turísticos-Inmobiliários del SECOVI-SP (2012 a 2026) y Miembro del Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) desde 2013. Forma parte del Consejo Consultivo de SPCVB (São Paulo Convention & Visitors Bureau) desde el 2013. Fue fundador (1998), vicepresidente, presidente (2004-2005) y, desde el 2006, es miembro del Consejo Deliberativo Vitalício de la LARES (Latin American Real Estate Society).
Founder and President of Caio Calfat Real Estate Consulting, he is a civil engineer and a current engineer with over 40 years of experience as a consultant in the tourism and hospitality market, serving leading construction companies, developers, and hotel operators in Brazil. He is the Founder (2006), a member of the Board of Directors (2011-2019), and the President (2019-2025) of ADIT Brasil (Brazilian Association for the Development of Real Estate and Tourism). He also serves as the Vice-President of Tourism Affairs for SECOVI-SP (2012-2026) and has been a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) since 2013. He has been part of the Advisory Board of the São Paulo Convention & Visitors Bureau (SPCVB) since 2013. Additionally, he is a Founder (1998), former Vice-President, former President (2004-2005), and, since 2006, a member of the Lifetime Advisory Board of LARES (Latin American Real Estate Society).
President, ADIT Brazil